Chapter 2: How Big is Your God?

Week 2

How big is your God? This is the question that we kept asking ourselves as we read through Chapter 2. Lion chasers know that they have a big God and they know that he is bigger and more powerful than anything they will face in life. And because their God is a big God, there is no obstacle too big and no odds too great. So, lion chasers go for it. And when they succeed in a situation that seems humanly impossible, there is no question how it happened. It was God.

We can see through what we’ve read so far that lion chasers defy the odds. And, it is essential that the odds are stacked against them because that is when they are certain that God made it happen. That is when they are a witness to others. You see, when it looks like the odds are stacked against us, that is when God can do amazing miracles. In Benaiah’s story, there were many reasons that he should not have defeated that lion, but God had greater plans for Benaiah and defeating the lion was all part of it. When things look like they are humanly impossible, God intervenes. That is what God did with Benaiah. And, extraordinary things happened when Benaiah was willing to defy the odds and be obedient to God. Do you want extraordinary things to happen in your life? Then be willing to defy the odds and let God work.

What is your internal picture of God? In Chapter 2, the author discusses how our internal picture of God determines how we see everything in life. Some of us see God as only being as big as our biggest problem. We limit God and what He can do by the way we view Him. The author continues to say that many of our problems in life can be traced back to an inadequate understanding of who God is. Our problems seem so big because we have made our God so small. But friends, God is bigger than any bad situation we may face in life. And, He is interested in even the smallest situations. The author writes, “God is great not just because nothing is too big for Him. God is great because nothing is too small for Him either” (p. 32). What a marvelous picture of a loving God who cares about every detail of our life, big and small.

We, as God’s children, need to realize that God has ordered our footsteps to set us up for success and that each situation can be an opportunity to bring Him glory. But, we must follow Him. We must be willing to go into situations, relationships, and places that God leads, even if it doesn’t make sense to us or those around us. And, we must be willing to let “our impossible situations become opportunities to experience new dimensions of God’s glory” (p. 24). Are you a scaredy cat or a lion chaser? The way we view God can very well determine which of these we are? If we have a small view of God, then chances are we are a scaredy cat. We face everything in life being scared and we don’t necessarily think that God is great enough to get us out of tough situations. If you have a high view of God, however, then you could be a lion chaser. The ones who realize that God is awesome and He is bigger than any problem you will face. The ones who thrive in tough situations, knowing that “impossible odds set the stage for amazing miracles” (p. 22).

Things to think and pray about this week:

1. How big is your God?

2. Do you have any situations in your life right now that seem impossible? Are the odds stacked against you? Turn these situations over to God and ask Him to do extraordinary things.

3. Do you have perceptions of God that you would like to change? Do you want to have a bigger view of God? Ask Him to show you His power and might.

4. Do you have any situations in your past where God revealed how awesome He is? Has He defied the odds in your life (or the lives of those you know) before?

5. We can all be lion chasers. As you continue to read, what lion do you feel God is asking you to chase?

As you are reflecting on your perception of God and your tendency to chase lions, please know that everyone can change their perception of God and subsequently, their tendency to chase lions. As we have seen through the first two chapters, God wants you to get where God wants you to go more than you want to get where God wants you to go. You may need to read that statement a few times before you really get it. However, when you get it, it should really calm your spirit. As long as you continue to stay in step with the Spirit, God will help you get where He wants you to go. God is always working behind the scenes to help move us towards success in our Christian walk. Remember to continue to ask for God’s direction and discernment to see the lions that God has sent into your life. We all can, and must, be lion chasers after the opportunities that God has given us. Do not let fear hold you back from the awesome opportunities that God has for you.

We’ll close this week by saying that the biggest tragedy in life is when we allow our God to get smaller and smaller everyday. Don’t let this happen. We serve an incredible God that is bigger than any problem or challenge or opportunity that we will face in life. Believe that. Become a lion chaser. And, watch extraordinary things unfold.

Looking Ahead to WEEK 3:

We will discuss Chapter 3.

Do you have any stories or thoughts that you’d like to share with others this week as they reflect on this week’s reading. If so, please feel free to comment in the box below. We welcome any comments on how you believe the Lord is working in you as you read In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day.

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